Creativity & Resilience
In Forest Communities
ForestSong Events
in Wildfire-Impacted
Sierra Nevada Forest Communities
All ages and abilities are invited to join in our FREE public events to paint, view our giant Forest Prayer Flags, write poems, listen to forest-inspired soundscapes, and learn about forest ecology and wildfire preparedness!
NOTE: All outdoor events cancel in case of rain.
April 28—10am to 2pm—Arts in Nature Fest, Georgetown Nature Area (outdoors), Georgetown, CA
June 2—12pm to 3pm—RIPE AREA, Wakamatsu Farm (outdoors), Placerville, CA
June 9—11am to 3pm—Lake of the Sky Trail, Taylor Creek Nature Center (outdoors), South Lake Tahoe, CA
June 29—10am to 2pm—Grover Hot Springs State Park Picnic Area (outdoors), 3415 Hot Springs Road, Markleeville, CA
July 11—August 11—ForestSong Exhibition, Switchboard Gallery, 525 Main Street, Placerville, CA
Monday—Friday: 11am to 4pm, Saturday—Sunday: 12pm to 4pm
July 11—6pm to 8pm—ForestSong Exhibition Opening Reception, Switchboard Gallery, 525 Main Street, Placerville, CA
August 1—6pm to 8pm—ForestSong Artists Talk, Switchboard Gallery, 525 Main Street, Placerville, CA
September 22—12pm to 4pm—Pioneer Park (outdoors), 6740 Fairplay Road, Somerset, CA
September 29—1pm to 5pm—Camp Lotus (outdoors), 5461 Bassi Road, Lotus, CA
ForestSong participants at the Arts in Nature Fest, Georgetown, CA
Photo by Jordan Hyatt-Miller
ForestSong is an art project by Andie Thrams that centers on painting Forest Prayer Flags to deepen appreciation of and connection to forests, address environmental loss, and celebrate biophilia. The project also shares contemporary wildfire and forest ecology, and suggests actionable steps to foster environmental stewardship for individuals and communities.
This activity is funded in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency, through the California Creative Corps and the City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture. The ForestSong project has also received support from Arts and Culture El Dorado, University of California Natural Reserve System’s Sequoia and Yosemite National Park Field Stations, and Save the Redwoods League. Big thanks to all!
2024 ForestSong artists include visual artists Andie Thrams and Laurel Ferreira, poet Moira Magneson, and sound artists Zack Dowell and Dustin Koupal. We all hope to see you out there!