HOPE? is a collaborative art project created by Susan Lowdermilk, Donna Thomas, Peter Thomas, and Andie Thrams. Through field work in burned and green forests in Oregon and California, the artists investigated the complex topics of tree mortality, catastrophic wildfire, and climate change. They created a wooden reliquary holding twelve artists' books, an informational companion book, About HOPE?, and a vial of wildfire ash to bear witness to the devastation of western forests, honor the importance of trees, and grapple with the question of hope at this pivotal moment in the Anthropocene epoch.
LOCATIONS: The artists painted, explored, and collected information and materials in California and Oregon forests, including the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias in Yosemite National Park, the Sierra National Forest 2020 Creek Fire burn, the Santa Cruz 2020 CZU Complex Lighting Fire burn, the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire burn, both in the McKenzie River Valley.
ABOUT: Twelve artists’ books, an informational companion book, About HOPE?, and a vial of wildfire ash, housed in a wooden reliquary
MEDIA: Handmade and commercial paper; woodcut, linoleum cut, pressure print, photogram, letterpress, and digital printing; watercolor, gouache, and ink painting; brass, wood, wildfire charcoal and ash
RELIQUARY DIMENSIONS: 12 x 8.5 x 6.75 inches
DATE: 2022
PRICE: $3400 (4 copies of 32 remain)
Studio: Donna Thomas, Susan Lowdermilk, Andie Thrams, and Peter Thomas, Eugene, Oregon
Forest: Andie, Susan, Donna, and Peter, Yosemite’s Upper Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias
The twelve artists’ books in HOPE? are listed in order of appearance below.
The Reliquary
Old Growth Matters (with detail)
Mass Unraveling (with detail)
Be Joyful
Invincible/Endangered (with detail)
Fire Followers
Resilience (2 views and detail)
Vast Unseen Networks (with detail)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (with detail)
Hope Calls for Action
Only What We Love
Breathe (with detail)
Catastrophic Wildfire
Vial Holding Wildfire Ash & Charcoal